About Us
1 university
and adding
25 Branches
and adding
14 years
and counting
300000+ papers
and adding
So you really want to know about us??
We are not a lot of in our team at gtupaper.in
Actually its only me who created this site.
Friends call me "jogi"
I was a GTU student but I am not computer guy...
I have done Electrical engineering
When I was doingmy study , as you need past gtu papers I also need them
But as you know we engineering students are littel lazy , we didn`t remember extra things...
Same here, I went to gtu official site but didn`t know any of my subject code...
Every time i want exam papers , I have to see subject code and it was annoying
And I wonder that why the things are easy cant I just go to site and download subject papers directly??
This quetion leads me to this solution called gtupaper.in
I made it simple and easy to download all the past exam papers at one place and with easy navigation and easy to use manner
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